
How to choose jacketed mixing tank and coil mixing tank?

jacketed mixing tank

Actually,the working principle of jacketed mixing tank and coil mixing tank is same.How to choose jacketed mixing tank and coil mixing tank?

The jacketed mixing tank and coil mixing tank get heating and cooling medium from mixing tank through jacket and coil.the difference is the diameter of coil mixing tank can;t be large,so that it limit the use of mechanical agitation,but the coil can contact fully,as far as I'm concerned,if you choose the smaller mixing tank,coil is better, otherwise,jacket is suitable choice.

How to choose jacketed mixing tank and coil mixing tank? it's relative to your heating demand. Some  materials can be achieved using a jacketed mixing tank,and the thermal conductivity of this material also has a certain relationship.

As for heat transfer area,the minimum area is  outer coil, then, jacket follows From the cost, in terms of safety, coil  heat exchange can be achieved easiest.

